Chief, Global Economic Monitoring, The United Nations
Dr. Hamid Rashid – Chief, Global Economic Monitoring at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDEA) – is the lead author of the UN flagship report, the World Economic Situation and Prospects, jointly published by UNDESA, UNCTAD, the UN Regional Commissions and UN-WTO. Previously, he served as the Senior Adviser for Macroeconomic Policy in UNDESA, advising finance, central banks and planning authorities in developing countries on fiscal and monetary policy issues. Prior to joining UN/DESA in 2010, Dr. Rashid served as a Senior Adviser in UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy and also as the Director General for Multilateral Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh. Dr. Rashid earned his Ph.D. in economics and finance from Columbia University in New York under the supervision of Nobel Laureate Prof. Joseph Stiglitz.